Buckswood in the Community

Buckswood in the Community

Every Buckswoodian knows that they have a duty to their community. At Buckswood, the community starts in our school and spreads across the globe. Our students know that they have to care for themselves, each other and their environment, and as they come from all over the world, our charitable endeavours both here and abroad reflect our ethos of global citizenship and teach that the gift of giving brings many rewards.

Buckswood operates as one family unit. We all work on a beautiful premise where everyone is treated with respect, because everyone matters. We are responsible for looking after our beautiful and standard structures.

 At the same time as looking after our environment, we all understand that to work as a family where everyone can thrive we must look after each other too. From the moment a student puts on their blazer they know they are responsible for themselves and their friends and will have a role to play in making sure everyone has a good day. The reward system is in place to recognise where children are fully participating in the school community and encourage where a child is not making the most of the wonderful opportunity they have been given.

Here are some examples of how we support them.

  • The House System: every Buckswoodian is part of a House. Their House is their team, where everyone is a valued member with the care and respect you would expect from your teammates. Every week they will carry out various duties around the school, compete in competitions, and work hard in class to earn House points to collectively try and win the house trophy that is awarded on Friday assemblies.
  • Leadership roles: peer mentoring is really important at Buckswood. As a child progresses through the school the spoon feeding decreases as they advance on their journey to adulthood. At various stage throughout their time here a student will find themselves given a community responsibility. This could be ‘head of table’ in the dining hall, a prefect, sports or house captain; all of which provide valuable opportunities to gain leadership skills as you coach your fellow students.